Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

What Is Your Investment Style?

Knowing what your risk tolerance and investment style are will help you choose investments more wisely. While there are many different types of investments that one can make, there are really only three specific investment styles – and those three styles tie in with your risk tolerance. The three investment styles are conservative, moderate, and aggressive.

Naturally, if you find that you have a low tolerance for risk, your investment style will most likely be conservative or moderate at best. If you have a high tolerance for risk, you will most likely be a moderate or aggressive investor. At the same time, your financial goals will also determine what style of investing you use.

If you are saving for retirement in your early twenties, you should use a conservative or moderate style of investing – but if you are trying to get together the funds to buy a home in the next year or two, you would want to use an aggressive style.

Conservative investors want to maintain their initial investment. In other words, if they invest $5000 they want to be sure that they will get their initial $5000 back. This type of investor usually invests in common stocks and bonds and short term money market accounts.

An interest earning savings account is very common for conservative investors.
A moderate investor usually invests much like a conservative investor, but will use a portion of their investment funds for higher risk investments. Many moderate investors invest 50% of their investment funds in safe or conservative investments, and invest the remainder in riskier investments.

An aggressive investor is willing to take risks that other investors won’t take. They invest higher amounts of money in riskier ventures in the hopes of achieving larger returns – either over time or in a short amount of time. Aggressive investors often have all or most of their investment funds tied up in the stock market.

Again, determining what style of investing you will use will be determined by your financial goals and your risk tolerance. No matter what type of investing you do, however, you should carefully research that investment. Never invest without having all of the facts!
READ MORE - What Is Your Investment Style?

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Reduce your monthly Expenses

Everyone has fixed expenses which are the basic of needs for our daily living. There is no way to eliminate the fixed expenses but with some innovative budgeting, you could save some good money from this practice. If you have debt problem, a good practice in expense control and budgeting can help you to free up enough money to pay down your debt and may prevent you from bankruptcy. Of course, to accomplish your goal, you might have to live a very austere existence and scarification.

This article will list down some ideas on how to lower your expenses. While reading this article, you can make a list of you own ideas to cutting down your expenses.

Ways To Save Money

1. Reduce the Number Of Credit Cards

For many people, owning a credit card is the style of life and there are people holding 5 to 10 credit cards. It's so convenient to make payment with credit cards and you many overlook your budget. Although to terminate all credit cards are not possible for many people, you could reduce the number of credit cards in hand.

2. Ask for a Lower Credit Card Interest Rate

A major consumer group conducted a study to find out how easy it is to get a lower credit card interest rate. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of those who simply telephoned their credit card company and asked for a lower interest rate got one instantly.Getting your credit card interest rate lowered depends on various factors. Normally the bank will approve your request if you meet the following conditions:

* You have a good credit rating -- meaning no late pay notations on your credit report and a good credit score;
* You do not have a high debt-to-income ratio and you do not carry a big balance on your credit card;
* You do not send in just the minimum payment required each month;
* You have an excellent payment record with that particular creditor;
* The credit card is not one that is categorized as "sub-prime", meaning it is not a secured credit card or one marketed exclusively to those with bad credit.

When you call and ask for a lower interest rate, your reasoning should be based on the argument that you deserve it because you're an excellent customer or you're getting better offers from other credit card banks.

3. Always Buy Classic Style on Clothing

Clothing fads come and go so quickly and it will become out of fashion after a season.Instead, buy only good quality classic clothing that you can wear five years from now if you haven't worn it out by then. This will help you to reduce the frequency of buy new cloths.

4. Know Your Budget on Food

According to some survey, people who do not know how much they spend on groceries each month are twenty times more likely to be over their heads in debt than those who know exactly how much they spend on food each month. A lot of money can be saved by with below practices:

* Stop eating outside - Dinners you prepare at home is significantly less expensive than meals you pay someone else to prepare.
* Don't buy what you don't really need - Good examples are soft drinks, sugary snacks and other sweets. Giving them up will improve your health, reduce your medical and dental-related expenses and fatten your wallet.
* Get the best price by comparing supermarkets -- Don't shop at the closest supermarket just because it's more convenient. Driving a mile or two down the road can save you as much as $50 per week on groceries.

5. Car pool with your neighbors

If you have neighbors who work close to your company, you can car pooling with them to save gasoline and transportation cost.


Above are just a few ideas to reduce your monthly expense, sit down and list down your own list. You will surprise that by listing down all your monthly expenses, your will realize that actually there are a lot of expenses which can be reduced or eliminated. And you can use the saved money to pay down your debts.
READ MORE - Reduce your monthly Expenses

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Trekpay the new generation PTC

The program is Trekpay PPC or Paid To Click The most brand-new in this release.Program start at the beginning of the month .Iam interested with this program because of our unique system just click the ads on the site and then we were given trekpay point between 1 and 3 points depending The advertisers every day there are 16 ads that we can click PTC generally give time for each 30 seconds advert but is not so trekpay n can be either fraud or together well for a hobby blog admin click fraud Lets join here because fraud in fact recommended here would point to the dollar must convert on Thursdays authors also surprised Because my point suddenly disappeared, but after the check on the status of the earning a dollar's worth a try n bwt beginners are not limited income and some even claim to get $ 100 per week payout only $ 5.5 and payments made through paypal.So if you interested let's join here.

READ MORE - Trekpay the new generation PTC

How to boost your Page rank

Page Rank (PR) is a measure levels for website or blog visit traffic.PageRank was measured with a number ranging from 0 to 10 (Google Page Rank) or Yahoo Page Rank also same,the higher value of Page Rank means higher value of traffic to website or blog.
To increase website traffic of course is not an easy thing, it need time and patients, many things that must be done, which are to increase PageRank (PageRank Booster):

1. Promotion. Easier and quicker way to promote website with purchase to one of or all global search engine,eg. google, yahoo, MSN etc. amount of payment depends on the type of website we set (choosable) and many keywords are included.

2. Backlink. Backlink is a link to your web address from the other sites, such as other people put a banner that leads to your website address that will always link automatically website if loading, this way will be run if you able to influence other people to put your link banner.

3. Meta Tag. This also one way to improve the disbursement by the search engine go to your web address, be sure to add meta tags on your HTML codes. Most important is the Description and Keywords, About how to adding meta tags has discussed in my aticle Adding Meta Tag (SEO-TIPS). Meta Tags keywords is consist of words with maximum 200 characters separated by (,) and space. Keywords must have a link and similiar with website content, Keywords must be specific and unique words. Google warns that meta tags do not guarantee to increase traffic, it only helps a little.

4. Content. I think this is the most effective way to increase Traffic, good content could automatically addicted many people to visit your website. Content should be arranged as interesting or popular subject. do not put too many pictures, animations or videos on your website, because hard for many search engine to find the content of content, also heavy to loading. One of my friend says: "Who says people too lazy to read your article contents? serious for people will read your article contents".

5. Link Exchange. I think this way is not so good,because you have to told other people to install a link to your website, maybe you will not sure people want to place a link to your website. You can choose this way by follow to many forum or by email to invite friends who like to visit the following sites.

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In fact this is a summary of discussion about the content and meta tags. Content is supported by a good meta tag keywords that matches the with content, it will affect to search engines results, or with an easy way to pay the search engine to put and index of your website address on page 1 as the search result.

That all I know about Page Rank, but I do not really consider with the PageRank, Alexa, Technocrati or anything. The most important for me is always writing the best article content for my blog, join with the many forum to find inspiration and improving my knowledge. Many peoples will visit your website if they likes to your article contents, your website traffic will better and improving your website Page Rank naturally by itself.
READ MORE - How to boost your Page rank

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

Mengoptimalkan Backlink dengan Dummy Blog

Dummy blog mungkin suah tak asing dari kita para blogger.

Menurut software Kamus 2.03 yang saya pakai, dummy berarti boneka. Dummy bisa juga diartikan sebagai tiruan.

Kalau kamu pergi ke supermarket, trus ada boneka/patung pake baju dan bergaya memegang pinggang, itulah namanya dummy.

So, kalau dummy blog bisa kita artikan sebagai blog tiruan.

Sebenarnya ada banyak fungsi dummy, tapi yang paling banyak digunakan adalah untuk kepentingan SEO.

Jujur, saat ini saya mempunyai beberapa dummy blog.

Tujuan saya membuat dummy blog adalah untuk memenangkan kontes seo yang saya ikuti dan untuk menyambut kedatangan google update pagerank. tentu bukan cuma saya yang bikin dummy blog untuk pagerank, masih banyak ribuan lain yang melakukan hal serupa. Jadi, bisa dikatakan dummy blog ini musimanSealed.

Bagi kita yang ngikutin kontes seo, ada baiknya membut dummy blog sebanyak mungkin. Bukan membunuh sebanyak mungkin kayak israelTongue out.

Sementara kalau gak ada tujuan, sekedar memperkuat SEO, cukup 5-10.

Membuat dummy blog cukup mudah. Daftar aja di penyedia blog gratisan seperti blogger, wordpress, dagdigdug, blog, dan lain-lain.

Kalau saya, daftar di blogger.com, buat dummy blog, isi 10 posting copas, dan submit ke google.

Dummy blog berfungsi banget bagi website utama. Di footer dummy blog, pasang link ke website kita. Karena dummy blog, usahakan link keluar gak lebih dari 5. Trus, pada saat kita posting, dummy blog menunjukkan giginya, kayak gini ne---->Sealed. Buatlah sebuah posting yang isinya berkaitan dengan halaman yang akan di link. Contohnya keywordnya Julia Perez-Gastona Castano bermesraan di atas kapal dan bahkan kelihatan gaston meraba-raba bagian sensitif julia. mesra bagaikan sepasang kekasih.

Terus, kamu bikin sebuah postingan tentang julia-perez dan gaston castano yang kabarnya udah berpacaran dan julia akan menceraikan damien perez . Gak usah panjang-panjang, 10 kalimat udah cukup.

Kenapa harus satu topik? karena google lebih menghargai link ke sebuah halaman yang berasal dari halaman yang topiknya sama.

Selain itu, anda jangan lupa menambahkan tag title. tag title itu anda sesuaikan dengan keyword yang kamu tembak.

So, link lebih dihargai google.

Soal template, gunakan saja template dasar yang disediain oleh penyedia blog gratis.

Dan untuk mudah terindex, di postingan website utama kamu, masukkan satu link ke website dummy kamu yang terbaru.

Udah ya.........
READ MORE - Mengoptimalkan Backlink dengan Dummy Blog

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Apa Itu SEO??

Istilah search engine optimization pertama kali digunakan pada 26 Juli tahun 1997 oleh sebuah pesan spam yang diposting di Usenet. Pada masa itu algoritma mesin pencari belum terlalu kompleks sehingga mudah dimanipulasi.

Versi awal algoritma pencarian didasarkan sepenuhnya pada informasi yang disediakan oleh webmaster melalui meta tag pada kode html situs web mereka. Meta tag menyediakan informasi tentang konten yang terkandung pada suatu halaman web dengan serangkaian katakunci (keyword). Sebagian webmaster melakukan manipulasi dengan cara menuliskan katakunci yang tidak sesuai dengan konten situs yang sesungguhnya, sehingga mesin pencari salah menempatkan dan memeringkat situs tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan hasil pencarian menjadi tidak akurat dan menimbulkan kerugian baik bagi mesin pencari maupun bagi pengguna internet yang mengharapkan informasi yang relevan dan berkualitas.

Larry Page dan Sergey Brin, dua mahasiswa doktoral ilmu komputer Universitas Stanford, berusaha mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan membangun Backrub, sebuah mesin pencari sederhana yang mengandalkan perhitungan matematika untuk memeringkat halaman web. Algoritma tersebut, yang dinamakan PageRank, merupakan fungsi matematika yang kompleks berupa kombinasi antara perhitungan jumlah link yang mengarah pada suatu halaman web dengan analisis atas kualitas masing-masing link tersebut.

Berdasarkan prinsip kerja PageRank, secara umum bisa dikatakan bahwa halaman web yang memperoleh peringkat tinggi adalah halaman web yang banyak di-link oleh halaman web lain. Nilai PageRank juga akan semakin tinggi apabila halaman web yang mengarah kepadanya juga memiliki kualitas yang tinggi. Nilai sebuah link dari situs berkualitas tinggi seperti Yahoo! atau DMOZ dapat bernilai lebih tinggi daripada kombinasi nilai link dari seratus situs web berkualitas rendah.

Backrub hanyalah sebuah permulaan. Pada tahun 1998 Page dan Brin mendirikan Google yang merupakan versi tingkat lanjut dari Backrub. Dalam waktu singkat Google memperoleh reputasi dan kepercayaan dari publik pengguna internet karena berhasil menyajikan hasil pencarian yang berkualitas (tidak dimanipulasi), cepat, dan relevan. PageRank lantas menjadi standar baik bagi mesin pencari lain maupun bagi webmaster yang berusaha agar situs webnya memperoleh nilai PageRank setinggi mungkin sehingga menempati posisi tertinggi pada hasil pencarian.

Webmaster dan mesin pencari

Sejak tahun 1997 perusahaan mesin pencari menyadari bahwa beberapa webmaster melakukan segala hal untuk dapat terindeks pada urutan teratas hasil pencarian, termasuk dengan cara-cara yang manipulatif dan ilegal. Infoseek, salah satu mesin pencari generasi pertama, melakukan perbaikan pada algortima mereka untuk mencegah manipulasi dengan meta tag yang tidak relevan.

Bagaimanapun, dalam beberapa hal mesin pencari juga menyadari nilai ekonomi yang besar dari peringkat hasil pencarian, dan mereka terkadang memiliki kepentingan terselubung dari aktivitas perusahaan SEO. Beberapa perusahaan mesin pencari mengirim perwakilan atau menjadi tamu pada event-event rutin yang diselenggarakan komunitas SEO.

Mesin pencari besar seperti Google dan Yahoo! menyediakan program dan panduan yang memungkinkan webmaster mengoptimalkan situsnya agar terindeks dengan baik. Google menyediakan aplikasi Webmaster Tool dan memperkenalkan sitemap berbasis XML standar mereka, sedangkan Yahoo! menyediakan program Site Explorer yang memungkinkan webmaster mendaftarkan URL situs, mengecek jumlah halaman web mereka yang telah terindeks di Yahoo!, dan melihat informasi link masuk. Namun demikian mesin pencari tidak mentolerir metode SEO yang manipulatif dan menghalalkan segala cara.

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

Membuat Float Navigator

Hampir mirip dengan NavBar bawaan blogger, namun bentuknya float dan lebih sederhana.
Untuk membuatnya ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
1. Masuk ke Layout -Edit HTML
2. Centang Expand Widget Template.
3. Cari kode ini ]]></b:skin>
4. Letakkan kode dibawah ini tepat diatas kode yang tadi.

* Navigasi Apung *
align: center;
position: fixed;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
background-color: #c0c0c0;
width: 100%;
left: 0px;
color: #000;
opacity: 0.8;
filter: alphaundefinedopacity: 80);
opacity: 1;
filter: alphaundefinedopacity: 100);
#navigasi-apung a
color: #000;
* Navigasi Apung Kiri *
margin:3px 0px 3px 5px;}
.kiri_apungmnu li
padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px;
font:normal 11px arial;
.kiri_apungmnu li a
font:normal 11px arial;
.kiri_apungmnu li a:hover
* Navigasi Apung Kanan *
margin:3px 5px 3px 0;
.kanan_apungmnu li
padding: 0 0 0 3px;
font:normal 11px arial;
.kanan_apungmnu li a
font:normal 11px arial;
.kanan_apungmnu li a:hover

5. Yang di cetak tebal bisa kamu ganti sesuai keinginan. Kemudian cari kode ini  <body>
6. Letakkan kode dibawah ini setelah kode yang tadi.

READ MORE - Membuat Float Navigator